Why are we (Christians) scared to sometimes be ourselves around non-church folks? Sometimes we isolate ourselves from the outside the world so much that when we do venture out to actually see what's going on in the world, we don't know how to communicate to these folks.
Personally, there was a time when I would be afraid to even utter "Praise God" or any other Christian terms around non-saved individuals for fear of offending them. But what I quickly began to realize was that they didn't have any problem with cursing, making lustful comments, telling sexual explicit jokes, etc around me.
Then conviction began to weigh on me...why was I scared of being the new creature, in Christ around non-church people? Why was I scared of engaging in conversation that were Christ centered if that person was not in church? Why was I scared of reading my bible in public? THAT'S ANOTHER THING! Why don't we Christian read our bibles in public?
Are we scared that we are going to be stared at by others because they think we are weird? OR are we scared that people (sometimes other Christians) are going to think we are trying to show off just how spiritual we are? LET'S DROP WHATEVER NOTION WE MAY HAVE! Muslims read their Koran in public all the time, they talk about Allah in public all the time...and so does every other pagan religion. BUT some Christians are scared to even utter the mighty name of Jesus.
I say that all bible believing, tongue talking, Holy Ghost filled, Jesus baptized, holiness living Christian should stand up and be more bold in our everyday Christian life. We must proclaim that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life! There is no other name that could save man-kind because there is power in the name of Jesus.
The world is hungry for a change, they are hungry for the Lord but they just don't know it. At the "Get Motivated" business conference there was a segment on spirituality, the audience was given a chance to get up and leave (I thought that was a very diplomatic move). As the speaker began to talk about giving your life over to Jesus and praying some people began to leave, BUT surprisingly not much...MANY people stayed to listen to the speaker talk about this man Jesus and how He changed his life. I smiled as I watched and listened. The speaker did not have full revelation on the steps to salvation but I know the Lord still used him to reach the lost souls in that arena yesterday.
More than ever Christians, we need to be ourselves; more than ever,we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard and not conform to the world. The hungry soul is wondering aimlessly, trying to find someone that could fill that empty void in their heart. Let's be the light to guide them to Jesus so they too can be apart of the bride (the church).
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